NEAR Conference Saturday, August 28th, 2021
Welcome to NEAR 2021! The theme for this year's NEAR Language Education Conference is Meaningful Learning in Local Contexts. And we are proud to be working with the Teaching Young Learners Special Interest Group (TYL SIG) to bring to you incredible speakers. All vetted presenters are invited to submit to our annual peer-reviewed collection.
NEAR 2021
About JALT Niigata
- JALT Niigata is proud to provide teachers in the Niigata area with a forum for professional development through regular presentations, workshops and meetings. We typically host between 7 and 10 events per year that cover topics ranging from the practical to the theoretical, and are aimed at language teachers at any level of education.
JALT Niigata Team
Clare Kaneko - President
Philip Nguyen - Treasurer
Emily Choong - Membership Chair
Michael Ruddick - Program Chair / Secretary
Nathaniel Reed - Publicity Chair
Melodie Cook - Member-at-Large
Eli Pappas - Outreach Chair
NEAR Conference Team
Clare Kaneko - Conference Chair
Philip Nguyen - Conference Chair (Tech Support)
Emily Choong - Conference Co-Chair
Yui Kato - Zoom Host Student Volunteer
Suzuna Watanabe - Zoom Host Student Volunteer
TYL SIG Officers
Grant Osterman - SIG Coordinator
Martin Sedaghat - Program Chair
Kate Sato - Publications Chair/Editor
Gaby Benthien - Publicity Chair
Nicholas J. Wilson - Publicity Co-Chair
Brittny Okahara - Social Media Coordinator